February 2025
FrontLine 7.0.094- February 17, 2025
The Opportunity Totals window has been enhanced.
- Additional rows have been added to show totals for ALL orders and ALL quotes associated with this opportunity when there are multiple orders and/or quotes. These rows appear at the top of the detail lines.
- The window enlarges itself when necessary to show more rows
- Quote totals are marked by the quote symbol in the Quantity column.
- F4 now opens the order or quote for editing instead of read-only, and if an order is modified, the opportunity totals are recalculated.

The Square Payment Integration has been enhanced:
- After creating a successful card transaction, you can now create a Card on File Token for future transactions. Right-click on the recent successful payment line and select Create Card on File Token. FrontLine prompts you for cardholder information and then retrieves a token to store on the customer file.

- Card details are only stored at Square, but you can view cards saved on file in Customers Maintenance. In the Customer file, click AR and select Customer Cards on File from the menu. Here you can view a list of cards on file, and choose to Deactivate them, effectively removing them from Cards On File.

- You can assign a default customer credit card for use in payment processing on customer orders.
- In the Customer maintenance file, click the ellipses next to the Credit Limit to access the Credit Card field.
- Key a hyphen in the Credit Card field and press Enter to open the Customer Cards On File window.
- Choose the card and click Select Card to assign the card to be used by default for this customer.
- In the Customer maintenance file, click the ellipses next to the Credit Limit to access the Credit Card field.
- Enter this default card on a customer order tender line by keying a hyphen in the Account Number field. You can then process the card tender without any other information.
FrontLine 7.0.093- February 4, 2025
Changes have been made in Recurring AP to enhance your experience.
- The default sorting of the list is now by Scheduled date.
- The Created Date column has been replaced by the Vendor Ref column.
- The Updated column shows the created date if it has not been updated since creation.
- To sort the list, you can now click in any column title except Expires and Updated to sort by that column.
January 2025
FrontLine 7.0.092- January 22, 2025
Because special orders for a Closed or On Hold vendor do not appear in purchasing auto-gen, we have added two indications of these statuses within the order window:

1. The Vendor Number in the Resource Costs window is now highlighted in yellow when the vendor is Closed or On Hold.

2. Also, when you open a customer order with a Closed or On Hold Resource Vendor, you are notified by a pop up message.

There is now a drop-down menu on the Parts button in Vendors maintenance. Click to view All EMail Addresses and to view the Change Log.

The Change Log for Items, Vendors, and Customers now includes an option to Show all changes for the past 28 days. In the All Changes view, you can double-click any log entry (or right-click and select Open) to open the corresponding Item, Vendor, or Customer in the maintenance window.

You can now open the Income Statement from within the Balance Sheet. Right-click in the Balance Sheet to select to view the Income Statement.
Labor lines imported from Mobile Connect now default to line Quantity 0 (zero) instead of 1 (one) when no quantity is specified by the technician in Mobile Connect. You can update the quantity on the line in FrontLine, or you can void the line in FrontLine for the technician to complete his labor entry in Mobile Connect.

In Bank Reconciliation, the "New Bank Reconciliation" and "Open a Bank Reconciliation" account lists now highlight in bold the account currently open.

FrontLine now offers a SquareUp Card Not Present option that opens a BaseLink page in the browser for you to enter confidential card information. This allows you to process credit cards in Square without a Square terminal.

The large hover hint for Scheduler Events now shows the Lead Event Order ID in the top line when the event is part of a recurring sequence and the lead event is on a different order from this event.
When you save changes to Notes of a recurring Scheduler Event, FrontLine now offers to change the Notes of later events in the recurring sequence to this new note text.
Note: This is only available for notes of events that are not yet attached to an order line item.
Note: This is only available for notes of events that are not yet attached to an order line item.
ACH AP Payments are now distinct from non-ACH in Journal Entries, and Bank Reconciliation now consolidates one ACH batch into a single line to reconcile.

In AP Inquiry, the three Payables/Aged/Summary outputs now offer a direct link to Account Inquiry. Right-click in the payables details to drill down to Account Inquiry.
Note: More than one account can be part of a single row in the Payables Summary output.
Note: More than one account can be part of a single row in the Payables Summary output.
December 2024
FrontLine 7.0.091- December 17, 2024

You can now void an open Shopify tender that has been Authorized but not Captured. FrontLine will let you defer open Shopify orders without full tenders, and the new payment tender line is imported from Shopify when a new tender is Authorized or Captured there.
When you consolidate Periodic Invoices, this now consolidates batches with single receivables too.
Payables now highlights currencies that are not in base currency to make it easier to differentiate them. The checkbox and vertical column separators for amount fields appear in Red if the payable is not in the base currency. A payables batch must all be in the same currency. If you have selected multiple currency payables, FrontLine will not allow you to complete the payables batch.
Note: Key Ctrl+F11 to toggle the view of payables from the alternate currency to the equivalent base currency.
Note: Key Ctrl+F11 to toggle the view of payables from the alternate currency to the equivalent base currency.
FrontLine 7.0.089- December 5, 2024
There is now a keystroke shortcut to assist you in recovering off-screen window positions that may occur after you use FrontLine spread over multiple monitors and later return to a single monitor. Key Ctrl+Alt+. (ctrl, alt, and the period button) to move the active window to the top left of the primary monitor.

You now can indicate on custom tender types if a tender should trigger the Card Tender Fee % reminder. Before, all custom tender types triggered the reminder, but now you should flag tenders that require this reminder with the Fees flag.
If you have custom tender types that you would like to trigger the Credit Card Fee reminder:
If you have custom tender types that you would like to trigger the Credit Card Fee reminder:
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- Select the Value column in the Tender Types company setting, and click the ellipses to open the Tender Types dialog box.
- Custom tender types appear at the bottom of the list, and include additional checkboxes for settings. Select the Fees checkbox.

The payables list in the Payables window now includes a Terms column next to the Vendor Name column when multiple vendors are listed, and the filter field above now filters by these terms.
November 2024
FrontLine 7.0.088- November 20, 2024

You can now print invoices directly from the Receivables window.
- Key Ctrl+P or right-click and select Print Invoice to open the Forms for Orders window.
- If the selections are correct, key Ctrl+P again to open the print preview, and Ctrl+M to email or Ctrl+P to print.

The Vendor List in the Payables Dashboard now includes a Terms column when the window is wide enough.

Inventory Valuation now displays a Region column when regions are used.
The Balance Sheet now has a Cash Flow option when Cash Flow Types are used. You can choose to Enable Cash Flow Types in the Accounting Options in Company Settings. Then, create and assign these Cash Flow Types in the Ledger Accounts window.

You can now open the order connected to the first or “lead” event from later recurrences of that event. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Orders button in the Scheduler Event recurrence, and select to View or Edit the Lead Event Order.
FrontLine 7.0.087- November 7, 2024

Journal Entries created for Receiving now use the Received Date as the JE Date to align better with Inventory Valuation dates. You will see the quantity broken down on separate journal entry lines if the check-in includes multiple receivings on different dates.

There is a new option to exclude quotes from being submitted to AvaTax. In Company Settings, the AvaTax Configuration now includes a checkbox to Exclude Quotes.
When this option is selected, quotes can be still manually submitted to AvaTax, but retrieving taxes is not required to print the quote forms. If you have manually calculated taxes, and then make additional changes, FrontLine will not force recalculation of out-of-date taxes before printing a quote.
When this option is selected, quotes can be still manually submitted to AvaTax, but retrieving taxes is not required to print the quote forms. If you have manually calculated taxes, and then make additional changes, FrontLine will not force recalculation of out-of-date taxes before printing a quote.

When Departments are used, the Income Statement run By Full GL Account now has a separate Department column for non-Rolling output.

The Balance Sheet run By Full GL Account now includes the Department descriptive text after the Account description with a hyphen between.
FrontLine no longer lets you to edit a PO Line Cost when the items received on that line have already been sold (checked out) on a sales or service order. The revised cost should instead be entered on the Vendor Invoice for the PO.
October 2024
FrontLine 7.0.086- October 28, 2024

You can now choose from multiple forms when printing Periodic Invoices. Use the new drop-down on the Print button to select the form. This will require a change of name for existing forms. Forms for Customers must now begin with PeriodicInvoicesCustomers, and as before, the forms for Vendors must begin with PeriodicInvoicesVendors.

The GL Account selector now presents a reduced drop-down list of GL Codes that partially match the text entered up to seven characters.

You can now assign an optional Department to items in Items Maintenance. This will set the department of the order line item, as well as set the department on the order, if no order department has been assigned. Adding items with this setting will not change the department of an order if it already has been assigned. If a Package is assigned to a department, then when that package is added to an order, all the members lines are assigned the department of the package.

In the Item Quantities window, the Up for Grabs label has been changed to Not Allocated.
FrontLine 7.0.085- October 22, 2024
The Income Statement Export and Report now have a separate column for the percent ratios.

When adding an address, if you have entered a State and Country but no Zip (Postal) code, the Tax GeoCode drop-down now lists all the Zip codes in the State along with the GeoCodes.
When viewing the Income Statement using Show Account Sub-Type Sums, you can now Compare Budget, if you use budgets.
The line item Copy List feature now has an Include Agent option. Click the drop down arrow next to the Copy button in the bottom toolbar and select Show Copy List. Select the Include Agent checkbox to include the original line agent when pasting lines.

There is now an option to not auto-commit inventory when using the Redo Order function. When you Redo an order, there is a new confirmation box that opens asking if you would like to auto-commit inventory. The default response is “Yes”. If you have auto-commit turned off in your company settings, you will not see this prompt.
When you Redo an order, if the order Location changes and either the old or new location is flagged for Tax on Location GeoCode, then the new order TaxGeoCode is reset and the taxes are recalculated. This change does not affect Avatax users.
The Tax GeoCode and built-in taxes are now recalculated any time the original order is more than one day old. This change does not affect Avatax users.

You can now do a partial write-off from the Payables window. Right-click on a payable and select Write Off in the context menu. FrontLine prompts you for a Write-Off Amount. This amount defaults to the balance of the Payable.
Presented and Cancelled quotes are now shown in Project Details as a single pink italicized line with no monetary value. This lets you still see and drill down into a quote that was assigned to a project, even after it has been turned into an order. Note: by Presented Quote, we mean that the quote was completed and an order or another quote was created from it.
FrontLine 7.0.084- October 15, 2024

There is now a F1099 (Form 1099) column in Vendor Lookup. This addition makes it necessary for you to recreate your preferred column arrangement in Vendor Lookup. Save the arrangement using F6 or right-click and select Save Arrangement from the context menu.
Bank Reconciliation has a few enhancements.
- There is a new Pay Code column in Bank Reconciliation. This column displays the Check number, EFT detail text, and payment type (AR Cash/Check/VISA) for single customer order tender entries. Bank deposits do not display these details, since they have multiple tenders. Right-click and select Bank Deposit in the context menu to see all the customer tenders in the bank deposit.
- The text in the Pay Code column is included when using the filter field in this window, so you can filter by check number, for example.
- Lines from manual Journal Entries are now partially highlighted in light purple.
- Bank Reconciliation no longer includes blue lines for bank interest and fees. These will be restored when balancing accounts for reconciliation journal entries can be implemented. These lines will continue to appear on existing reconciliations but can be ignored, as before. Enter bank fees as manual Journal Entries. Once posted, reopen the Bank Reconciliation, right-click, and select Refresh in the context menu to bring the new Journal Entries into the bank reconciliation for selection.
FrontLine 7.0.083- October 9, 2024

There is a new option in Periodic Invoices to exclude fully paid invoices. Right click before creating a batch, and select Exclude Fully Paid Invoices. FrontLine will exclude invoices that have been paid and their payment orders from the periodic invoice.
FrontLine now displays a confirmation prompt when entering unmatched Tax GeoCodes on addresses.
There is a new copy row function in Lookup windows. When using Order Lookup, for example, you can now key Ctrl+C to copy an entire row from the results grid. This row can then be pasted into a spreadsheet, and it will include column labels.
You can also copy a row on grid displays where single cells are selected, like the Income Statement or Project Details windows. Use Shift+Ctrl+C to copy the row. This row can then be pasted into a spreadsheet, and it will include column labels.
You can also copy a row on grid displays where single cells are selected, like the Income Statement or Project Details windows. Use Shift+Ctrl+C to copy the row. This row can then be pasted into a spreadsheet, and it will include column labels.

You can now create an Income Statement Primer in the Accounting Periods feature that can be used to make all non-retired accounts appear on the Income Statement, even when they have no activity. Under General Ledger selections in the Welcome window, select Accounting Periods. Then select Income Statement Primer.

An Income Statement Primer Journal Entry contains zero value journal entry lines for all Ledger Accounts relevant to the Income Statement for all active Locations and Departments that do not already have entries in the selected fiscal year. This JE and its many lines are dated at the very beginning of the fiscal year. It can be created or replaced at any time for an open fiscal year.
September 2024
FrontLine 7.0.082- September 30, 2024
Vendor Invoice lines in the Project Details view are now marked with a green V in the Order ID column. Add vendor invoices to projects to record additional project costs that are not included on customer orders.
Locations that are marked as On Hold are now allowed to be used on GLD (GL Distributions) and Vendor Invoices. Closed Locations still cannot be used on these transactions.

In Receivable Statements, you can now Print a statement for only the customer selected in the list, regardless of their preferences. Right-click in the list, and click Print. The confirmation window reminds you of the customer statement preference, but you may still print the statement by clicking Yes.

There is a new Company Setting named Tender Isolation & Drawers. This company setting replaces the Constrain Payments setting. There is a new option in this setting to Assign Cash Drawer by Workstation Location vs Order Location. The default is to assign cash drawers based on the workstation location. The new Order Location setting allows one workstation to transact multiple cash drawers.

Drawer Reconciliation now offers all drawers assigned to the current user in a drop-down list.
The user can have reconciliations pending for more than one of their assigned drawers.
The user can have reconciliations pending for more than one of their assigned drawers.
FrontLine 7.0.081- September 24, 2024

Batch picking has been enhanced to provide some helpful filters. The Customer Number drop-down now provides a list of customers who have orders that meet the other criteria selected. There is also a new Exclude Order Status list of checkboxes that lets you exclude orders using one or more of your custom order status flags.
Note: In Use orders are always excluded from Batch Picking, so this checkbox cannot be unselected.
Note: In Use orders are always excluded from Batch Picking, so this checkbox cannot be unselected.
On the Rolling Income Statement, the Forecast column used for open periods has been relabeled Open.
The Project Details analysis in the Projects window now includes Vendor Invoices. When you assign a vendor invoice to a Project, the Project dashboard includes details of that Vendor Invoice to keep track of costs.
There is a new Sender (optional) column in System Users to identify the OAuth user when it differs from the From/Reply-To address. This is used for email using OAuth.
The Project Details analysis in the Projects window now includes Vendor Invoices. When you assign a vendor invoice to a Project, the Project dashboard includes details of that Vendor Invoice to keep track of costs.
There is a new Sender (optional) column in System Users to identify the OAuth user when it differs from the From/Reply-To address. This is used for email using OAuth.
FrontLine 7.0.080- September 12, 2024

You can now see Up for Grabs quantity in the Scan Match window. When looking up inventory in Scan Match, right-click and select Subtract Allocated from Available. This changes the Available column to display the new Up for Grabs quantity. You can select it again to toggle back to showing Available quantities. Up for Grabs quantity is the Available quantity minus the Allocated. When more inventory is allocated to orders than you have available in inventory, this quantity will be negative. Here is a refresher on the common quantity terms:

On Hand- Quantity that is received into inventory and not yet sold (invoiced) to a customer
Committed- Quantity that has been reserved for a specific order
Available- Quantity that is On Hand, and not committed to an order (On Hand – Committed = Available)
Allocated- Quantity of demands on open customer orders
Up for Grabs- Quantity that is available and not spoken for by demands on open customer orders (Available - Allocated = Up for Grabs)
Committed- Quantity that has been reserved for a specific order
Available- Quantity that is On Hand, and not committed to an order (On Hand – Committed = Available)
Allocated- Quantity of demands on open customer orders
Up for Grabs- Quantity that is available and not spoken for by demands on open customer orders (Available - Allocated = Up for Grabs)

You can also see Up for Grabs quantity in the Item Quantities window. There is a new quantity line highlighted in yellow that displays the quantity Allocated for Customer Orders. Select a specific location and select the checkbox to Subtract Allocated from Available to show Up For Grabs quantity in place of Available quantity. This is a sticky selection that is preserved after logoff.

You can now assign and remove Special Order status in the Customer Orders window instead of opening line details. Select a line item and click the Special button in the bottom toolbar to assign special order status to a line item. You can arrow down on your keyboard and click the Special button to easily special order multiple lines. The button is depressed if the selected line is special ordered. Click Special again to toggle off special order status.
Departments on Purchase Order line items now copy to the Vendor Invoice line item.

When looking up Locations under Maintenance/Locations, the results grid now includes a column for Location Status to label closed locations in exports. These rows still display in red in the results grid.

Vendor Invoices can now be added to Projects. Click Project in the top toolbar to reveal the project fields for selection. Projects available for assignment in purchasing are not specific to a customer or vendor.

Payables can now be placed On Hold to prevent payment. You can now assign or remove On Hold status for a Payable in the Payables window. Right-click on a payable line and select On Hold in the context menu to place a payable on hold. You can also remove a hold in the Payables window before selecting for payment. Right-click and select On Hold again to remove the hold.

Payable lines that are On Hold display a red stop sign symbol, and are not available when selecting for payment.

You can now edit orders in Batch Picking if you have security to modify customer orders. Right-click on a line in the list of orders, and select Edit Order to open the order for editing.
August 2024
FrontLine 7.0.078- August 29, 2024

There is now a separate security context for the Vendor Number. In Security/Access Profiles, in the Vendors class, set permits to Read, Add to block users from changing the vendor number on existing vendors.
FrontLine 7.0.077- August 28, 2024

You can now export inventory unit details from Inventory Valuation. Right-click in the inventory valuation and select Export Units Only to export the inventory unit details with one unit per row.
FrontLine 7.0.076- August 22, 2024

You can now select a period to compare in the Balance Sheet. Use the vs Period drop down to select a prior period for comparison. If left blank, the same period the previous year is used for comparison.
FrontLine 7.0.075- August 20, 2024

You can now choose which group of contacts will receive emailed Statements. In Receivable Statements, right-click on the option to Email Invoicing Contact, and a context menu opens so you can select any contact group to receive statements. The selection is sticky per user.

If you use departments, the Rolling Income Statement By Full GL Account now includes a Department name column.
The Rolling Income Statement also labels period columns as Actual for closed periods and Forecast for open periods.
The Rolling Income Statement also labels period columns as Actual for closed periods and Forecast for open periods.
FrontLine 7.0.074- August 12, 2024
In Payables, you can now Pay by Card for negative Payables selected for payment. This is used when a vendor credits your card payment for returns.

You can now choose ALL when selecting to reprint an Invoice in Forms for Orders, if the order has multiple invoices. This will print each invoice on a separate page. If you would like to combine the invoices into one invoice, please contact [email protected] to add this invoice format.

The Return Order Location for Recurring Bills in the Returns window now defaults to the original bill location instead of the current station location as it does for other orders.
FrontLine 7.0.073- August 5, 2024

You can now Write Off a vendor’s Payable or AP Credit. In the Vendor Maintenance file, open Payables. Right-click on a Payable or AP Credit and select Write Off. This function is not available when using Select for Payment or Apply Credit.
When you apply an AP Credit to a Payable, if there is a credit balance, FrontLine now asks if you would like to write off the balance.
When there are more than two active Departments in use, the Income Statement now provides a list of checkboxes so you can select multiple departments. Right-click on the department list to use context menu options to Invert Selection of Departments or Select None for ANY Department.

There is now a filter box in the upper right of the New Vendor Invoice window to filter the PO lines shown by Stock Number or Description.
The Rolling Income Statement now outputs a Total column at the far right instead of a 13th Period column.
July 2024
FrontLine 7.0.072- July 26, 2024

Now you can Track a unit listed in the Identify Unit window when searching in Identifier Document Maintenance. Right-click and select Track or key Ctrl+T on your keyboard to track.
FrontLine 7.0.071- July 23, 2024
Vendor Invoice Journal Entries now separate aggregate values by the vendor invoice Line Note Subject, and put that subject in the journal entry line Comments. For example, if you enter two miscellaneous lines on one Vendor Invoice, but do not want these lines combined in the Journal Entry, give each line a separate line note subject, and they will be separated in the Journal Entry, with the comment displaying the note subject.

Vendor notes can now be viewed directly from the Payables Dashboard where a note icon is shown in the Vendor List. Right-click and select View Vendor Notes.
FrontLine 7.0.070- July 18, 2024

Account Inquiry now has a Region selector when there are regions defined.
In the New Vendor Invoice window, you can now select All or None using a right-click to access the context menu or by using the shortcut keys, F12 for All and F11 for None.

When viewing Vendor Payables By Due Date in the Payables Dashboard the Amounts due by the selected due date are now displayed in boldface.

You can now retire a Department. In the Departments list in Setup/Lists, add a hyphen before the department display text to exclude the department from Customer Orders and Purchasing. Retired departments remain available for inquiries like the Income Statement and Account Inquiry.

You can now Request Read Receipt and Delivery Notification for emails sent from FrontLine. Select the checkbox under the To field in the E-Mail window. Note that most modern email systems ignore these sender requests due to spammer abuse.
FrontLine 7.0.069- July 16, 2024

There is now a Show Percentages option on the context menu of the Income Statement to turn off the percentages displayed on the left side of the columns.

The Income Statement now has a Rolling function that shows the selected period and up to 12 following periods (if they exist). Budgets are not yet supported in this view.
FrontLine 7.0.068- July 5, 2024
This release contains maintenance updates.
June 2024
FrontLine 7.0.067- June 28, 2024
You can now include the Vendor Account Number on AP Checks output and Remittance Advice. Contact [email protected] to add the vendor number to these forms.
You can now include the Total Paid on an order when printing forms. Contact [email protected] to add the total paid to forms.

In Equipment Search, when you select Show only Equipment under Contracts, you can now open the associated contract. Right-click on the equipment line and select Service Contract to view the contract for that row.

There is a new Company Setting that changes order forms to print identifiers, like the delivery ticket. In Company Settings, click the ellipses in the value column on the Forms for Orders Options context. Select Output Order Forms with Identifiers, like Delivery Tickets.
Additionally, contact [email protected] to update your order forms to show identifiers.
Additionally, contact [email protected] to update your order forms to show identifiers.
FrontLine 7.0.066- June 3, 2024

FrontLine now prompts you to disable empty ESets to reduce the clutter in Equipment Sets. In the Customer Order window, if you have been reviewing an ESet, when you close the customer order, FrontLine checks for these empty ESets. If they are present, a prompt asks if you would like to disable them.

You can now directly assign the date for a new Journal Entry created from a template. Click Cancel when the New Journal Entry from Template window prompts for the Date interval to add, and a simple date entry field replaces it.

FrontLine then asks you to confirm the number of days since the last JE created from the template, and checks that the date is in an open accounting period.

The AP Payments (Check Register) report in AP Inquiry has been enhanced with a new All Outstanding option. Select All Outstanding to see all transactions that have not been reconciled. When this option is selected there is no date range selector.

When setting up Item Category Accounts in Setup/Lists, there is now a GL Code filter.

Transaction Inquiry has been enhanced to allow you to search for purchasing transactions by vendor. When you select the Purchasing or AP Invoices transaction type checkbox, the Customer selector becomes a Vendor selector.

You can now open an active Customer Orders window from within the Purchase Order window. Click the drop down arrow next to Orders, and select Go To Customer Orders at the bottom of the list.

There are new lookups to assist you in cleaning up email address duplicates before launching integrations with Shopify or Pipedrive, or with utilizing the Customer Portal. In Customer Lookup, select to Search By Shared EMail Address. FrontLine displays all email addresses that are shared by more than one customer.

Right-click in the search results and choose All EMail Addresses to see a list of all the email addresses for the selected customer. These email addresses may come from the address record, or the contact details.
If you filter the list of results by EMail, you will find all the customers with the duplicate email address, if the duplicate is in the customer address email field. This filter will not find duplicates on contacts.
If you filter the list of results by Contact EMail, you will find all the customers with a duplicate email address in the contacts.
If you filter the list of results by EMail, you will find all the customers with the duplicate email address, if the duplicate is in the customer address email field. This filter will not find duplicates on contacts.
If you filter the list of results by Contact EMail, you will find all the customers with a duplicate email address in the contacts.

You can also access a list of all email addresses from the Customer file. Click the drop down arrow next to Parts and select All EMail Addresses.

Customer Lookup also has added Search By selections for Contact and Contact EMail. Additional columns for Contact Name and Contact EMail only have information when Search By is one of these.

You can now set the Collected date of card tenders you collect before invoicing when not using integrated card payment processing. When you right-click on a card payment line and select Collected, FrontLine will prompt you to enter the collected date.
Inventory Valuation now values Special Order receivings separately, with the additional columns Qty Special and Value Special.
- The Total Quantity column includes a red Sp icon when any part of the quantity was special ordered.
- The Total Quantity value is bold when it is ALL special ordered.
- The Value Special text is bold when it does not match the regular Unit Cost multiplied by the Qty Special.
- There is also a red Sp icon on entries of the Details list that are valued as a special order.
May 2024
FrontLine 7.0.065- May 21, 2024

Inventory Valuation has a new option to search for Only Discontinued items.

Also, the Stock Number field in Inventory Valuation now allows the search of partial matches using a percent sign after the value to search all items beginning with that value.
There are also 3 new columns in Inventory Valuation- List Price, Bin, and Last Sale.
The Income Statement now includes percentages. These are displayed on the left side of the column in light grey.
FrontLine 7.0.064- May 16, 2024

There is a new selection in Customer Order Lookup to assist with finding orders created by the Customer Portal. Select to Search By Pending Customer Portal Orders to find these orders.

You can also select to Filter By the Person ID and choose Customer Portal to find orders created by the customer portal.

In Journal Entries, the default JE line Comments text that appears in gray as a copy of the Subject now remains in place when you edit a line comment. This allows you to add to the comment text or replace it, as needed.
The Cancel function in Journal Entries has been enhanced to respond better when cancelling a new manual journal entry.

You can now export the Bank Reconciliation when it is still Unreconciled. To do this, right-click in the Bank Reconciliation and select Export. FrontLine adds UNRECONCILED texts to the beginning and end of the export.

Bank Reconciliation now has a pink filter box to help find entries. The filter searches Reconciliation Item, Bank Amount, GL Amount, and Comments. Key F3 to jump your cursor to the filter box when a reconciliation is in view. In the filter box, key Esc to clear the filter and move back to the reconciliation. Key Tab to move back to the reconciliation lines without affecting the filter.
Some reports in AP Inquiry have been revised. Purchases Received without AP and Vendor RAs without AP now use the Check In Date or Check Out Date instead of the Date Received for date parameters and date output.
FrontLine 7.0.063- May 13, 2024
An imported payment tender authorization that has expired before being captured can now be voided in FrontLine. This may occur with Shopify tender imports, for example. The tender line remains to show that it was authorized and voided.

FrontLine can automatically update the Customer Order Status when a special ordered item on the customer order has been added to a purchase order. To use this feature, there is a new Company Setting. In Order Activity Reactions, select the checkbox Status of Customer Special Order set to "Waiting" when added to a Purchase Order.
FrontLine 7.0.062- May 7, 2024
Packages and package member lines on a customer sales order are now all assigned to the Package Default Location, if any. This is not overridden by member-specific default locations for package member lines.

There is a new Search By selection in Customer Order Lookup. Select Inventory Committed to find orders with committed inventory.

The Payables and Payables Aged reports in AP Inquiry now have an optional Location selector.
April 2024
FrontLine 7.0.061- April 24, 2024
There is a new Total Revenues subtotal on the Income Statement. This sum excludes Revenues - Other.

You can now consolidate receivables when generating periodic invoices.
1. After generating a periodic invoice batch, right-click on the batch to select Consolidate Receivables in the context menu.
1. After generating a periodic invoice batch, right-click on the batch to select Consolidate Receivables in the context menu.

2. Select this function to combine all the receivables in a periodic invoice into one receivable per customer, GL account, and Bill-To.
3. The Periodic Invoice Ending Date becomes the Invoice Date of the new receivable, and a new Due Date is calculated from this Invoice Date using the customer's Terms and the date of consolidation as the new Posted Date.
3. The Periodic Invoice Ending Date becomes the Invoice Date of the new receivable, and a new Due Date is calculated from this Invoice Date using the customer's Terms and the date of consolidation as the new Posted Date.

4. Receivables that have had credits, payments, or write-offs applied to them before consolidation cannot be consolidated.
5. After consolidation, details appear in a confirmation window.
5. After consolidation, details appear in a confirmation window.
6. If an invoice that was part of a consolidated receivable is returned, FrontLine will create an open credit when the return is completed. You will then manually apply this credit to the receivable.
In the Receivables window, the Applied List of the consolidated receivable shows the individual receivables that were consolidated as pink zeroed values.
FrontLine now ignores intangible package members (labor and charges) when invoicing based on fulfillment of package members.
FrontLine now copies the Item Category to line items on orders so that existing line items retain their category after a stock item's category is changed.
FrontLine now copies the Item Category to line items on orders so that existing line items retain their category after a stock item's category is changed.
FrontLine 7.0.060- April 1, 2024

There is a new company setting that is used to automatically adjust the date on journal entry lines to the next open accounting period if a date falls into a period that is Closed or AR Closed. This is needed when recurring bills are generated for the past.
Note FrontLine creates unearned revenue JE lines for recurring bills of periods greater than a month when relevant Item Categories have an unearned revenue account indicated in their Item Category Accounts.
- To use this feature, go to Setup/Company & Stations.
- In Company Settings, find Accounting Options, and click the ellipses in the Value column to open Accounting Options.
- Select the option Recurring Billing Unearned Revenue JE Dates – Adjust to Open Period. When selected, FrontLine will automatically adjust the dates on these JE lines to the next open period. If not selected, the journal entry will not post to the closed period, giving you the option to open the closed period before posting.
Note FrontLine creates unearned revenue JE lines for recurring bills of periods greater than a month when relevant Item Categories have an unearned revenue account indicated in their Item Category Accounts.
The Jobs feature has been renamed. It will now be referred to as Projects.
This is a change in name only. There are no functional changes.
This is a change in name only. There are no functional changes.
March 2024
FrontLine 7.0.059- March 27, 2024
You can now print duplicate stubs when using a Check-Stub-Stub format check stock. When using Pay Now by Check, select Duplicate Stubs to enable check-stub-stub output. This also requires a different APChecks form vs the single stub output.
FrontLine 7.0.058- March 22, 2024

Project Details now shows "Costed Qty" in a separate column. This value is bold when it differs from the line quantity, and is used it to calculate the extended cost and variances. You will see this discrepancy when the company setting to Cost Special Order Intangible sales at Purchase Quantity is selected and when purchase quantity is different from sale quantity.

There is new security for Standard Cost in the Customer Orders class. If a user has a NULL or "None" permit value for this context, then they will no longer see the Standard Cost Column menu entry when they click the Cost button in the bottom toolbar of the Customer Order window. Also, if the user has a NULL or "None" permit value for the C.Cost security context, then the C.Cost Column menu entry does not show up.
FrontLine 7.0.057- March 18, 2024
This release contains maintenance updates.
FrontLine 7.0.056- March 14, 2024

FrontLine now requires both BaseLink URL and Customer Portal URL Company Settings to activate the ability to publish forms to Customer Portal and to check for these forms when voiding orders.
Recurring Billing now copies the Equipment Set’s Identifier Document (S.Doc) to the Recurring Bill for easy reference. This identifier is not editable on the recurring bill or their refunds.
FrontLine 7.0.055- March 12, 2024
The FrontLine image viewer now preserves aspect ratio when it resizes the image. Double click on the image to scale the image to the window size.
FrontLine 7.0.054- March 5, 2024

Recurring billing now checks for other users completing the same recurring billing batch. This will prevent 2 users from completing or cancelling the same recurring billing step, creating duplicates or other discrepancies. If you try to continue a batch that someone else has cancelled, or cancel a batch that someone else has continued, you will get a warning message. Close recurring billing and reopen it to open the batch at its most current stage.

There is a new cost option for special order intangible items. In the Company Setting Cost Options, select to Cost Special Order Intangible sales at Purchase Quantity. Selecting this option will divorce special order costs for intangibles like services and charges from changes to the quantity on the customer order. For example, if you special order labor for 1 hour, the costs automatically flow to the customer order. Then, if you change the labor quantity on the customer order to 3 hours, the special ordered labor cost will not recalculate based on a quantity of 3. The costing method on these special ordered intangibles is SpecialPQ, indicating special purchase quantity.
Item Category Accounts has been enhanced to require the following accounts: Income, Inventory, COS, Clear Inv, AP Discrep, Phys Adj Offset. And these accounts are no longer shown: Inv Drop Ship, Clear RA, Clear Exch, Repair Exp, Vendor Refund, Labor Reimburse, Allow Damage.
The Job Details now include repair unit line items, even though these lines do not affect job costs. This will give you access to repair line details in the Job dashboard.

You can now commit inventory to orders using your clipboard.
- When committing uniquely identifiable items, copy the list of primary identifiers, such as serial numbers, from a spreadsheet column or text file.
- Then, in Line Item Details, right-click in the Selected Items section and select Clipboard Commit.

- The Clipboard Commit window opens. Click Import to import the items from your clipboard, and validate them.

- If one of the items on your clipboard is not validated, it will be highlighted in yellow for you to review. Validation may fail if the item is not at the line location, already committed or sold, or does not exist in FrontLine. Click Commit to commit the validated inventory.
February 2024
FrontLine 7.0.053- February 27, 2024
In a vendor's Payables, and the Payables Dashboard, the list of payables can now be sorted by clicking column titles. When All Payments is selected, the list of payments can be sorted too. The “Pay Now", "Write Off" and "Doc Type" columns are not eligible for sorting.

The unit detail list in Inventory Valuation now shows the current status followed by the status at evaluation if they differ. This makes it easy to see the current status of rented inventory. For example, in this picture the selected unit shows the current status is Rented, and the valuation is from when it was Received.
FrontLine now shows JPEG (JPG), PNG, GIF, and BMP local images referred to in Identifier Documents directly in its internal image viewer.
The special report for the System Administrator that finds transactions missing journal entries now includes recurring bills.

The drop-down lists of vendors now sort by vendor name before vendor number.
FrontLine 7.0.052- February 9, 2024
This release contains maintenance updates.
January 2024
FrontLine 7.0.051- January 31, 2024

You can now drop-ship a Purchase Order to another vendor’s address. Right-Click in the ship-to address and select Lookup Vendor Drop-Ship Address to select a vendor ship to address. You can also select Lookup Customer Drop-Ship Address to drop ship to a customer.

You can now mark a PO line as History if it was already accounted for on a vendor invoice in a previous system. The full quantity on the line item must be received to do this. Right-click on the PO line and select History Line to mark a line as historical. Marking a line item as history appears on the change log. Once marked as history, these lines are excluded from some reports, such as Purchases Received without AP and Vendor RAs without AP.
You must have Read, Add, Modify, Delete security for the Payables security context to access the History Line function.
FrontLine 7.0.050- January 26, 2024

There is a new security context in the Journal Entries class called Unbalanced System JE. Give security to this context to allow a user to change the amount and account on an unposted unbalanced system-created journal entry.
FrontLine 7.0.049- January 16, 2024
The Journal Entry Lines export in Trial Balance and Account Inquiry now includes the OrderRef, Location, Department, and JE Created date of the JE Lines.

There is now a column for OrderRef that displays the reference order (for example, the PO number when looking at payables). This field appears in the Journal Entry lines of the Trial Balance and Account Inquiry if the window is wide enough.
In AP Inquiry, the reports Purchases Received without AP and Vendor RAs without AP now show anywhere the Vendor Invoice quantity does not match the PO or V-RA quantity. If the quantity on the Vendor Invoice exceeds the PO or V-RA quantity received, then those quantities are highlighted in yellow.
The Detail AP output for AP Payments (Check Register) now includes a Vendor Ref column for the Vendor Invoice.

There is a new Search By option in Vendor Lookup. Select Form1099 Vendors to find vendors with a 1099 designation selected.

In the Vendor Payables list, you can toggle the 1099 type of a payable. Right-click on a line and select 1099 Payable. The Vendor must have a Form 1099 designation selected for you to use this function, and you also must have permissions in security. In the Vendor class, the F1099 security context must be more than "Read Only".
FrontLine 7.0.048- January 10, 2024
The Form 1099 Payments Summary quick report has been updated with the following new features:
- The report has been moved from the General Ledger section to Accounts Payable. In the Welcome window, point to Accounts Payable and select 1099 Payments Summary.
- The report now shows the Tax ID for Corporations as xx-xxxxxxx instead of xxx-xx-xxxx.
- The report now includes Total Paid for ALL Payments made to the Vendor.

Journal Entry Lines in the Trial Balance and Account Inquiry now display the Customer or Vendor number in the Entity column, and the Customer PO or Vendor Reference in the Entity Order column. You can view these on the screen when the window is wide enough, and can include them in exports.

The Tax Report now includes a Location Description in the output. Also, you can now void tax report batches. Right-click on a batch to access the context menu, and select Cancel, or select a batch and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+-