Updates 9/2012 - 5/2013
May 2013
FrontLine 6.4.034- May 28, 2013
Return orders can now be turned into quotes. However, such a quote cannot be unquoted. You must create a new return of the original order rather than use the unquote function.
FrontLine 6.4.032- May 22, 2013

There is a new Discountable property for Item Categories in Setup/Lists. Items in discountable categories can have a customer's overall Discount percentage applied. A customer’s overall discount percentage is set up in the customer file Discount field.
Tax Exempt Vendor RAs now allow the Ship-To address to be changed.
FrontLine 6.4.031- May 21, 2013

You can now search for the primary participant (Agent) in the Scheduler Event Lookup using the Filter By field. The agent also appears in the enhanced display text of the Event Status.

Miscellaneous items now evoke the Item Action prompt when added to a customer order, even when they have no identifiers.
FrontLine 6.4.030- May 20, 2013

There is now an optional Account criteria in Receivable Statements. Selecting an account here retrieves only receivables (and payments if unapplied) assigned to this account. The drop-down list shows only accounts selected for AR at any location, but other accounts can be typed in.

There is now an Include Zero Price Line Items option in Periodic Invoices. This option is accessible by right-clicking on the Open button. Once selected, this option is “sticky” until changed. A batch does not have to be regenerated to change this option.
FrontLine 6.4.028- May 14, 2013

Now there is a No Form Selection checkbox in User Options to restrict form selection by the selected user. When logged in as system administrator, point to Setup and click Security. Select the line for the user, and click Options to open the User Options window. Select the No Form Selection checkbox to restrict form selection. Also, the Fixed Print Options checkbox now only restricts print options, not form selection.

There is now a Periodic Invoice filter in FrontLine Receivables. This filter only appears if periodic invoicing is enabled. When you select a periodic invoice in the Receivables window, the total of the receivables listed is shown.

Now, when you enter a new, non-identifiable (non-serialized) line item, the Scan Match window does not prompt you to identify the inventory, even when the company setting Line Unit Identify is set to Seek Id. This also allows auto-commit of inventory at the selected location.
In the Scheduler, agents with no Category assigned in their agent file now display on the scheduler for all Resource Category selections. Uncategorized agents still filter out subject to the Resource Certifications selected (if any).

The Print Options for the Scheduler have been moved to the options panel. Right-click and choose Show Board Options to display this panel to the left of the scheduler board.

A By Agent option has been added to Print Options on the Scheduler. This selection sorts the output primarily by agent.

There can now be up to 15 Event Status choices for Scheduler Events. These are assigned under Setup/Lists. The Scheduled Event Status list allows entry of these statuses. The first eight on this list are mutually exclusive and color coded. Adjust colors under Setup/Company and Stations, Company Settings/Scheduler Options. The last seven on the list are not color coded and not mutually exclusive. The first two, Open and Completed, always display, but the rest are omitted from the event window if their display text under Setup/Lists is blank. The status checkboxes are now arranged in three columns to fit the display area.
When your Package Sale Method under Company Settings is set to “Package First”, sales with a positive package price now consult price levels and customer discounts.

Periodic Invoices now has an option to only include service orders in a batch.

The third party entries for Telus in the Welcome to FrontLine window under Third Party have been revised:
Telus Nets Import: Launches TelusNetsImportFLFL.py where FLFL is the name of the database in use.
Telus 220 Import: Launches Telus220ImportFLFL.py where FLFL is the name of the database in use.
Telus Nets Import: Launches TelusNetsImportFLFL.py where FLFL is the name of the database in use.
Telus 220 Import: Launches Telus220ImportFLFL.py where FLFL is the name of the database in use.

Now there are optional Minimum Price entries in the Price Levels window:
- Minimum Price is a flat minimum for selling this item.
- Min Price Cost % is a percentage of cost to calculate the minimum. For example, 1.5 or 150% of cost.
- Cost Used indicates the preferred cost to use for the calculation of Min Price Cost.
- If both are specified, the greater value is used.
- Rentals, Returns, and prorated items are exempt from minimum prices.
- Only price overrides entered by the user are subject to minimum prices.

There is a new security context Override Minimum Prices. When logged in as System Administrator, point to Setup and click Security. Click Access and select the security level you would like to give permissions to. In the Customer Orders class, give permissions to Override Minimum Prices. A Modify permit allows a user to confirm a price lower than minimum price.
FrontLine 6.4.027- May 3, 2013
When a repair part or service is linked to a repair line item, the agent of the part/service line is set to match the repair line if the part/service line has no agent assigned yet. If there is an agent assigned to the part/service line, that assignment does not change when the line is linked to a repair line item.

If a special order line on a purchase order is changed to a larger quantity, the new quantity is committed to the customer order that generated the special order. If the customer does not want to purchase the larger quantity, the extra units must be uncommitted. There is now a notice for over-committed line items before check-out, and over-committed lines are indicated with a red box around the quantity.

You can now unassign an event in the scheduler. Right-click on the event and click Unassign Event to detach the event from all agents it is currently associated with. When the scheduler refreshes, the event moves to the unassigned column. Completed events cannot be unassigned.
April 2013
FrontLine 6.4.026- April 26, 2013

The Equipment Sets window now has an S.Find button that can be used to find an equipment set of the current customer.
To Search for an Equipment Set:
To Search for an Equipment Set:
- An ESet IDoc (S.Doc) must be set up to use this feature.
- In the Equipment Sets window, click S.Find in the top toolbar.
- Equipment Set Search Filters appear at the bottom of the window instead of the Unplaced box.
- Use the equipment set search filters Bill Frequency and/or any Search Text. Search Text searches all text found within the fields for Customer PO, Bill To Name, and Identifiers. Equipment Sets that match the search criteria appear in the grid below. The F3 key can also be used to toggle S.Find on and off.
FrontLine 6.4.025- April 25, 2013

Equipment Sets can now have Identifier Documents. To use them, you will need to set up an identifier document template for ESets.
To Set up Identifiers for ESets:
To Set up Identifiers for ESets:
- In the Welcome to FrontLine window, point to Setup and click Identifiers. The Setup Identifiers window opens.
- In the Identifier Documents Template pane on the right, key the down arrow to create a new line.
- Use the drop down in the UISet column to select ESets. This creates the ESets identifier document.
- Select or create identifiers in the Individual Identifiers pane on the left. For more instructions on setting up identifiers, see Setup/Identifiers.
- Once the ESet identifier is set up, a new S.Doc button appears in the Equipment Sets window to edit the identifier document of the current equipment set.
FrontLine 6.4.024- April 24, 2013

The Scheduler Board options for Auto Refresh, View Days, and Board Hours are now changed in an option panel to the left of the scheduler board. Right-click in the scheduler and choose Show Board Options to view and adjust the auto refresh interval, day display, and beginning and ending hours. All of these options are now sticky per user, so they remain the same after logoff and login.
The board hours end times are an hour later than begin times to allow a 24 hour view. To adjust the hours viewed on the scheduler board, select View Begin and View End. To adjust working hours, select Day Begin and Day End.
The board hours end times are an hour later than begin times to allow a 24 hour view. To adjust the hours viewed on the scheduler board, select View Begin and View End. To adjust working hours, select Day Begin and Day End.
Scheduler Event Notes longer than 60 KB are now truncated before saving.
FrontLine 6.4.022- April 16, 2013

There is now a Recent Account Payments selection in Order Lookup. Choose Recent Account Payments to look up payments taken against account balances.
The Scan Match window now eliminates the Part number match when a Part number is identical to its reference Stock Number.

The Scheduler now has options to Print All Events (print all in the board time span) and Print Visible Events (print all shown on the board). Right-click and point to Print to access these context menu options.

When returning items, the Returns window contains a Return Lines to Original Location checkbox. Selecting this option causes the returned units to be put back in their original inventory location instead of the return order location. This selection is now “sticky” per user. Once a user selects this checkbox, it stays selected for subsequent returns until it is changed.
FrontLine 6.4.021- April 10, 2013

There is now an optional Issued date that may be selected in Step 1 of Recurring Billing. Selecting an Issued date will override today’s date as the bill issue date for the recurring billing batch.
FrontLine 6.4.020- April 3, 2013
Voiding or invoicing an order now clears all the custom Order Status flags. To clear all custom Order Status flags from orders already closed or voided, contact ormandy support at [email protected].
March 2013
FrontLine 6.4.019- March 29, 2013

The Scheduler Event Lookup can now search for events by note contents.
- Right-click in the scheduler board, and choose Lookup Event.
- In the Search By field, select Note.
- Enter the text to search for in the following field, and click Search. FrontLine finds the search term anywhere within the note text, so it is not necessary to add a % sign before your search text.
- The first 80 characters of the note appears in the Note column of the results.

There are now refresh options for the Scheduler. A clock icon appears on the upper left of the scheduler board title to indicate auto-refresh is on. Right-click in the scheduler to access the following context menu options:
Note The board cannot auto-refresh while editing an event. The auto-refresh also resets the interval when a manual refresh occurs.
- Refresh Board Now
- Refresh every 1 min
- Refresh every 2 min
- Refresh every 5 min
Note The board cannot auto-refresh while editing an event. The auto-refresh also resets the interval when a manual refresh occurs.

You can now select one or more week days for Scheduler Events that recur on a Weekly frequency. Select the checkbox to the left of the days the event should recur. If no week day is selected, the week day of the initial occurrence continues for recurrences.
FrontLine 6.4.017- March 26, 2013

An Item Image Viewer has been added to the context menu of order line items. This image can also be viewed in item lookup and in items maintenance.
To add an Item Image:
- In the customer order, right-click on a line item and click Image to view the image associated with the item.
- In the Item Lookup window, right-click on a line item that displays the image symbol, and click Image to view the image.
- In the Items window under Maintenance, the item image displays in the Item Image tab located in the bottom right of the window.
- Item Images are also available for printing on forms.
To add an Item Image:
- Get a JPEG image file with a size between 512 bytes and 1 MB.
- Name the item image file ItemID#########.jpg, where the # are the exact nine digits of the Item ID found in the item file. If the Item ID is fewer than nine digits, use zeros before the Item ID.
- Place the image in a folder called ItemImages within the location's Templates folder.
FrontLine 6.4.016- March 22, 2013

FrontLine now checks for and warns you if you enter duplicate key texts when setting up lists.
Line item identifiers for intangibles such as services and charges now appear on forms.
FrontLine 6.4.015- March 18, 2013

You can now redirect a recurring bill. A redirected bill has the Bill-To-Other as the Bill-To address, and the Service Address in the place of the Ship-To address on the bill. The conditions for this to occur are:
- The Bill-To address assigned in the equipment set has a Bill-To-Other selected in the customer file.
- The customer that the billing is redirected to has a default Bill-To address.
- The address redirected to is a bill-to address, and is not retired.
FrontLine 6.4.014- March 11, 2013

A No Shipping flag has been added to the Locations files.
- Point to Maintenance and click Locations to open the locations window.
- Click Lookup to find a location.
- The new No Shipping checkbox appears at the bottom of the location info in the left column.
- Select the No Shipping checkbox to remove the location from the Destinations field in Shipping. Line items from this location will also be excluded from Shipping. The location that the unit is shipping from is examined for this exclusion.

Now there is a drop-down list for PersonID in lookups. For example, when in order lookup, you can search for open orders. Then, in the Filter By field, select Person ID. The entry field becomes a drop down of all agents.

Security contexts are now available for Contacts in four groups: Agents, Customers, Vendors, and Locations. There is one context per group. To give users who have access to these groups Contacts access without editing access profiles in FrontLine, contact customer support. To edit access profiles yourself, follow the instructions below.
- Log in as System Administrator
- Point to Setup and click Security.
- Click Access in the top toolbar.
- Select the access profile to change.
- Select Sales Agents, Customers, Vendors, or Locations in the Class field.
- Assign an access level to the security context for Agent Contacts, Customer Contacts, Vendor Contacts, and Location Contacts.

FrontLine now records landing costs separately from unit costs. This allows you to change landed costs of special orders without affecting last purchase cost.
For this function to work, company settings for receiving landed and purchase freight ID must be set up.
- After checking in a purchase order, reopen the order and key Alt+f8 to reopen the Check-In window.
- The Costing grid appears in the bottom half of the window. The unit cost displays a plus sign (+) after the cost if landing cost is not included.
- The landed cost can be seen by selecting Include Landing Cost from the drop down next to the Costing button.
For this function to work, company settings for receiving landed and purchase freight ID must be set up.

To adjust company settings for receiving landed:
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- In company settings, find Cost Options and click in the Value field to open the Cost Options dialog box.
- In Costing Received Goods, select Receiving Landed.

To select the Purchase Freight ID:
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- In Company Settings, find Purchase Freight ID.
- Click in the Value column to open the item lookup. Select the item you will use for your freight charges on your purchase orders. The item should have the Charge item type flag selected.
FrontLine 6.4.013- March 1, 2013

If you detach a repair unit from a line item, all parts and services attached to that item must be detached. For example, if you have the wrong repair unit entered, in line item details you can click Delete to remove the unit assignment and choose a different unit for repair. However, if parts and labor have already been assigned for repair of that unit, you must disassociate repair parts and labor from that unit first. When a new unit is selected in line item details, warranties are reevaluated.

Unit Tracking now always allows you to view orders.
February 2013
FrontLine 6.4.012- February 28, 2013
Orders opened for viewing only can now be printed.

Repair unit line items can now have equipment detached and reattached before the repair is complete or the unit has been shipped. This allows you to make service orders from repair quotes.
To Create a Repair Quote:
To Create a Repair Quote:
- Enter the line item by scanning or entering the serial number of the equipment to repair.
- If you do not have the serial number, select the model number. In the scan match window, choose Unidentified. Do not enter a serial number at the prompt.
- Once all repair equipment is in the order, click Quote in the top toolbar. This will discard all identifiers from the line items.
- Add labor and parts, but do not assign them to repair lines. Present the quote.
- To change the quote into an order, click Quote in the top toolbar.
- For each serialized item on the ticket, select the line item and click Details.
- Click Lookup in the top toolbar of the Details window to find the item in scan match.
- In the Scan Match window, click Entity to view only the current customer’s equipment and select the correct serial number. If the unit is not in the system, click Unidentified to enter the serial number.
- Once units are selected, assign service and part lines to the repaired units.

There is now a Reference Orders function that is used to lookup any orders that were created, such as copied orders and quotes, using the completed order in view.
To View Reference Orders:
To View Reference Orders:
- Click the drop down next the Returns in the top toolbar of any completed quote or order, and click Reference Orders.
- If reference orders exist, the order lookup window will open to display them.
FrontLine 6.4.011- February 26, 2013

When placing an order, if no payment is taken, a credit balance check is used to determine if there is credit available on the customer’s account. The credit balance check includes both invoiced orders and open (unposted) orders with On Account tenders. If there is not enough credit available, a Payment Remark window gives the details of the remaining credit available.

For this feature to work, company settings must be adjusted under On Account Tenders & AR.
To Adjust Company Settings:
To Adjust Company Settings:
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- In Company Settings, find On Account Tenders and AR. Click the ellipses to open the dialog box for On Account and Receivable Payment Options. Select the checkboxes for Deferred Customer Orders that must be Tendered On Account for this feature to be activated.

If you enter a duplicate ship tracking number, a Duplicate Ship Tracking warning message explains the consequences.
When logged in as the System Administrator you can now print and defer orders without entering required order Identifiers, Agent, or Customer PO.

Now there is a Redo Order function for closed customer orders and presented quotes. This function allows you to copy closed orders and presented quotes with one click.
To Redo an Order or Quote:
To Redo an Order or Quote:
- Reopen the closed order or quote.
- In the top toolbar, click the drop down arrow next to the Return button and click Redo.
- Redo creates a new order or quote with nearly identical line items except that taxes are re-evaluated. Where possible, FrontLine attempts to recommit the same inventory and customer units by tracing their event history and analyzing their current status.
- To enable this function for users, security permissions must be enabled. Without permission the function is invisible to a user.

To Enable the Redo Function:
- When logged in as System Administrator, point to Setup and click Security.
- Click Access and select the profile to give permissions to.
- Select Customer Orders in the Class field.
- Use the drop down arrow to set security for Redo Order.
FrontLine 6.4.009- February 12, 2013

When repairing an item that is not uniquely identified (not serialized), you can choose to select a unit that has been sold, or repair an unidentified unit. If you select unidentified, you may change the quantity of the repair line item.
- Right click on the repair line item and choose Details, or click Details in the bottom toolbar.
- Change the quantity in the Quantity field on the left side of the Details window.
FrontLine 6.4.007- February 1, 2013

When you open the Scheduler board from the Customer Order window, you can use the keystroke shortcut Ctrl+F6 to toggle between bringing the Customer Order window and the Scheduler board into focus.

When a new order is created from a scheduler event that does not have a unit that is identified, FrontLine shows the Item Action prompt. Choose Repair to create a service order.

In multi-day views, there is a Resource Selection block enclosing the Certificates and Categories selector in the Scheduler, adding the following three options:
Important: In single day views, unassigned events are always shown in the far left column. In multi-day views, unassigned events do not appear unless the Unassigned checkbox is selected in Resource Selection.
- Click the Unassigned checkbox to show only unassigned events.
- Click the Me checkbox to show only events assigned to the user.
- Click the 1: ABC checkbox to show only events assigned to agent ABC. If an agent hasn't been chosen, the agent lookup opens. To select a different agent, key Ctrl+F3 to open the agent lookup.
Important: In single day views, unassigned events are always shown in the far left column. In multi-day views, unassigned events do not appear unless the Unassigned checkbox is selected in Resource Selection.
January 2013
FrontLine 6.4.006- January 25, 2013

The scheduler now has both Week and 5 Day views.
- In the Welcome to FrontLine window, click Scheduler to open the scheduler.
- Right-click and select Week or 5 Day from the context menu.
- Key F2 to toggle between the single day view that displays multiple agents in columns, and the last multi-day view you used. Multi-day views show days in columns instead of agents.

The All Day option when creating a Scheduler event is now found in the Duration selector.
- When in the scheduler, right-click and choose Add Event, or key Insert to create a new event.
- Use the Duration drop down selection to choose All Day.

The scheduler event hover text now includes the Customer or Vendor Number.

When an entity (such as a customer or vendor) or address is assigned to a scheduler event, entity and address notes are shown to alert the user.
FrontLine 6.4.005- January 21, 2013

You can now create a new quote from a completed customer order.
- Open a completed customer order.
- The Quote button is now active on completed customer orders. Click Quote in the top toolbar to create a new quote from the order.
- You are asked if you would like to create a quote from the order. Click Yes.
- The quote created can be altered by changing the customer, line items, etc. The quote can also be changed into a new order by clicking Quote in the top toolbar.
FrontLine 6.4.004- January 17, 2013

There is now a Corporation flag in the vendor file. Select the Corporation checkbox to change the tax ID input field for a corporation ID.
If a miscellaneous item description is blank in the item file, miscellaneous line items use the subject of the line note in the place of the description on forms. If the miscellaneous item has a description in the item file, the subject of the line note does not print on forms, just like a regular line item.

When a line item's identifier document template contains an airport identifier, a two line Airport Info display is available.
- Choose the line item and click Details to open the Line Item Details window.
- The Airport Info display appears below the Identifiers list.
- Enter the airport abbreviation in the AIRPORT identifier field, and information about the airport identifier appears below. This information includes elevation, latitude, longitude, etc., and can be copied and pasted.
FrontLine 6.4.002

When a customer has a Bill-To Other entry in the address file, orders shipped to that address are billed to the Bill-To Other entity selected. Bill-To redirection of customer orders now occurs when the customer is selected by customer lookup, by typing a customer number directly into the header, and by returning or repairing a customer unit on a blank order. Previously, it only occurred when a ship-to address was selected by typing into a field of the Ship-To address and choosing from the lookup triggered.

The Item Category Accounts list now has Category and Location filters.
Department, Agent Category, and Customer Number columns appear for future development. These columns are not used presently.
- Point to Setup, click Lists, and double-click Item Category Accounts on the left.
- Use the drop down arrow on the Item Category and Location filters to narrow your grid selections.
Department, Agent Category, and Customer Number columns appear for future development. These columns are not used presently.

The Item Category Accounts list now has a New button.
- Point to Setup, click Lists, and double-click Item Category Accounts on the left.
- Click the New button in the top toolbar to create a new entry in the grid.
- The Copy option creates a new line with a copy of the selected line’s accounts.
FrontLine 6.4.000

Voided purchase orders can now be viewed from special order line items on customer orders. To view corresponding purchase orders, right click on the special order line item and choose Special Order in the context menu. The purchase order number appears. Voided special purchase orders are indicated with a slash (/).

Agents can no longer be saved with the Initials field blank. If one is currently on record with the Initials field blank, it is displayed on orders as {id}.

Closed agents are not assigned to orders. Orders for customers assigned to that agent appear as if the customer had no agent.

An option has been added to Equipment Search.
- Point to Inquiry and click Equipment Search.
- Click the Include Non-Identifiable Items checkbox to include items with no identifier document template.
- If this option is not selected then items with a blank identifier document template are excluded from the search.
The Signatory Name text can now be seen on forms, including PDF.

There is now a company setting filter.
- Point to Setup and click Company and Stations.
- At the bottom of the company settings is a Company Setting Filter.
- Enter a word or partial word to search for in the Description column. This will assist in finding specific company setting entries.

Items that are marked Discontinued can now be added to Adjustment orders.
Inventory units marked In Use can now be committed to line items on Adjustments.

Regular users can now be given access to tax setups.
- When logged in as the system administrator, point to Setup and click Security.
- Click Access and choose the profile from the Access Profile drop down.
- In the Class drop down, select Tax Detail Maintenance.
- Choose the level of security to assign from the Access Level drop down.

When a customer order has a redirected bill-to, the title of the Bill To address section is now boldfaced.

If a customer order has a missing or invalid TaxGeoCode, a warning pop-up box displays each time the order is opened. Also, the order cannot be checked out or shipped, and delivery tickets or ship tickets cannot be printed.

If the TaxGeoCode for a customer does not have taxes for an item on the order, a warning is issued when the line item is created and the order cannot be checked out.

Assign GL accounts for each tender type at each location.
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- In Company Settings, choose Tender Types.
- Click the ellipses in the Value column to open the Tender Types window.
- Select the company location in the far right column header. Default accounts for the chosen location are shown in light italics.
- To override default GL accounts, choose the account column for the tender type, and use the drop down selection to choose an override GL account.

Payments on customer orders now provide GL account overrides.
- In a customer order, click Pymts in the top toolbar.
- Once a payment is entered, default GL accounts appear in italics in the Account column.
- Use the drop down arrow to select an override GL account.
- This feature appears only for those with security permissions. See below for instructions on changing security.

There is a new security context to give users access GL account numbers when taking payments.
- When logged in as administrator, point to Setup and click Security.
- Click Access and choose the profile from the Access Profile drop down.
- In the Class drop down, select Customer Order.
- Find Tender Account, and choose the level of security to assign from the Access Level drop down.
Customer addresses assigned to orders are retired instead of deleted. These addresses stay on current orders and invoices, but are not assigned to new ones.
November 2012
FrontLine 6.3.036- November 15, 2012
If an address assigned to an order's Ship-To or Bill-To is the default Ship-To or Bill-To for the customer or vendor, the Address Type Mismatch confirmation prompt does not appear.
Curação has been added to the built-in country list, using TLD code cw and telephone country code 599. Note that Curação is the same country as Netherlands Antilles, which has TLD code an.
FrontLine 6.3.035- November 9, 2012

Receivable Statements can now be opened directly from the Customer file.
- Point to Maintenance and click Customer to open the Customers window.
- Click Lookup to find the customer, or enter the customer number to pull up the customer.
- Use the drop-down beside the Parts icon in the top toolbar and click Receivables to access the Receivable Statements window.

When shipping lines are added to customer orders and purchase orders, FrontLine now puts the actual shipping charge in the freight line item's Changeable Cost (C.Cost) column.
FrontLine 6.3.034 - November 6, 2012

There is now a Receivable Statements feature in the Inquiry group. This can be used to print receivable statements to send to customers. A summary of receivables per customer is shown in the window for review before reporting.
Note: There is a new security context to grant users access to this feature.
1. Point to Inquiry and choose Receivable Statements to open the Receivable
Statements window.
2. Select from the following under Criteria for reporting:
Note: There is a new security context to grant users access to this feature.
1. Point to Inquiry and choose Receivable Statements to open the Receivable
Statements window.
2. Select from the following under Criteria for reporting:
- Select an End Date to provide statements for a point in time.
- Select a Customer Number to evaluate and report on only one customer. Leave this field blank to report on all customers. When a specific customer is identified, the Minimum Balance and Days Past Due criteria do not apply.
- Statement Categories are available to set up and assign to customers for receivable statements. Statement Categories can be used to segregate customers for statement output. Select a Statement Category to evaluate and report on customers assigned to that statement category. For instructions on setup of these categories, see To Set Up Statement Categories below.
- Click Retrieve to pull information matching the criteria selected into the summary grid below.

3. Select from the following under Print Options:
4. Sort the summary grid by clicking column headers. Right-click to access a context menu with options to view a customer's receivables, open a customer record, and find a typed value in a column. The following columns appear in the summary grid:
- Minimum Balance is used to only print statements for customers who owe this minimum. Balance End values in the grid below are boldfaced when they meet the minimum balance to indicate that a statement would output for this customer.
- Days Past Due is used to only print statements for customers who are at least this many days past due on one or more receivables. Max Past values in the grid below are boldfaced when they meet the minimum days past due to indicate that a statement would output for this customer.
- The Include Fully Paid Items option activates a Begin Date criteria for sending completed receivables to output.
- Three sorting options are provided to choose how retrieved information is sorted in the summary grid below. Select By Customer Number, By Customer Name, or By Postal Code.
- Select from the following print options: Print All, Email Only, or No Email. Print All outputs all statements to print preview. Email only outputs only statements with an email address to print preview. The eMail sections per recipient unattended function from the Mail drop-down menu in the print preview can be used. This function produces one PDF per recipient in the selected folder, and attempts to send them. eml template files can be used. No Email outputs statements without an email address to print preview.
4. Sort the summary grid by clicking column headers. Right-click to access a context menu with options to view a customer's receivables, open a customer record, and find a typed value in a column. The following columns appear in the summary grid:
- Customer Number
- Max Past shows how many days past due the most overdue receivable for this customer is.
- Balance End shows the customer's outstanding balance receivable as of the End Date.
- Balance Now shows the customer's outstanding balance receivable now. If no End Date is provided, Balance End is the same as Balance Now.
- Name shows the customer's bill-to name.
- Zip shows the billing address postal code.

An aging summary appears at the bottom of the Receivable Statement form.
To Set Up Statement Categories:
- The default brackets are 30, 60, and 90 days, which produces up to five subtotals. Brackets with a zero total do not appear in the aging summary.
- Age brackets can be customized using the Receivable Age list. To change the age brackets, point to Setup and click Lists. In the Receivable Age list, you can enter any number of ages at desired numbers of days.
- Current and Beyond brackets are automatically added to the report.
To Set Up Statement Categories:
- Statement Categories are set up under Lists. Point to Setup and choose Lists to set up statement categories for your receivable statements. The Statement Form column allows different statement forms to be used per category. For example, if the statement form is ATL, then the form file used would be ReceivableStatementsATL.rep
- A new St.Category field appears in the customer file to assign statement categories to customers. Point to Maintenance and choose Customers. Lookup the customer, and click the ellipses next to the Credit Limit to access the St.Category drop down.
- A corresponding statement category selector appears in the Receivable Statements feature. Select the statement category to retrieve statements only for the customers assigned to that category.
October 2012
FrontLine 6.3.030 - October 18, 2012
You can now print signatures collected on line items and during invoicing. These signatures are displayed on screen and are printed on invoices and receipts. Line signatures may be printed on order forms as well. Form changes are required for printing signatures. Signatures are not sent to PDF file output. For information on using signature capturing devices and creating forms adjustments, contact Ormandy support at [email protected].
FrontLine 6.3.029 - October 12, 2012

There is now a green checkmark in the upper right corner of selected options in the package model option selector.

The Item Types Miscellaneous and Charge can now be selected together in the Items maintenance file. Line items with both Miscellaneous and Charge item types receive the default price specified in the item file.

Items must have at least one identifier in their document template to be sent to depot. Otherwise, FrontLine now:
- disables the Send To Depot function in Line Item Details dialog box
- greys out the Depot Repair Start/End fields in the Items maintenance file
- excludes such items from the All To Depot drop down selection next to the Serviced icon in the top toolbar on orders

Now you can import customer equipment. This feature imports data from a delimited file, performs checks and validation, and allows you to review and correct the data before importing. Warranties can be provided in the import file, calculated from the imported sale date, or entered manually during review. Imported equipment appears like previously unknown equipment that came for repair, except that the unit event has an additional C.Equipment flag.
Note: In order to import, the file you are importing must be delimited. For example, if you are importing from an Excel spreadsheet, open the file in Excel, and save it as a text (.txt) file. This file type is delimited with a tab.
To Import Customer Equipment:
Note: In order to import, the file you are importing must be delimited. For example, if you are importing from an Excel spreadsheet, open the file in Excel, and save it as a text (.txt) file. This file type is delimited with a tab.
To Import Customer Equipment:
- Point to Maintenance and click Customers.
- In the Customers window, click Lookup to find the customer who owns the equipment.
- Click the drop down arrow next to Parts in the top toolbar, and select Equipment Import.
- The Import Customer Equipment dialog box opens.
- In the Import Customer Equipment window, enter the Stock Number of the equipment you are importing, select a delimiter (for the text file, the delimiter is a tab), select the format for dates in the file you are importing including the sequence and separator. Select the checkbox for First row contains column names and Show raw import texts if desired.
- Click 1. Open to select the file to import. Browse to choose the file from your computer.
- Use the drop down selections in the headers of the grid to select the columns you would like import.
- Click 2. Import to import data from the file.
- In the Address column, you have the option to select the customer address where each piece of equipment resides. These come in with the data if they appear in the imported file.
- In the other columns you may add or change warranty information, review imported data, and make any necessary changes before finalizing.
- Click 3. Ref Check to check for duplicate serial numbers, incorrect addresses, or other conflicting data.
- Click 4. Commit to finalize the import.
FrontLine 6.3.027 - October 2, 2012

You now have a Warranty column available in the Item Lookup. This lets you look up stock items and view the warranty that appears in the item file as a column in the item lookup grid.

Now the Search By list in Scheduler Event Lookup has the option to search by Event Status. In the FrontLine Scheduler, right-click and choose Lookup Event. Event Status is available in the Search By drop down list.

When in the Scheduler Event window, now you can click the calendar icon to select a date from a month calendar. Also, time of the event displays with the date in the Start field of the Scheduler Event window.

When a customer order is opened for read-only viewing from a purchase order, or vice versa, the read-only order window now floats beside the open order window so both can be seen and used on the screen.
- Open a Customer Order or Purchase Order that has special orders. Right click on the special order line and choose Special Order. If there is a linked purchase order or customer order, the number of the linked order appears here.
- Click on the linked order to open it in read only mode.
- Now the customer order and purchase order can be seen together.
September 2012
FrontLine 6.3.026 - September 28, 2012

Click Details in bottom toolbar of the Orders window to open the Line Item Details dialog box. Here you can use the Ctrl-Alt-R keyboard shortcut to open the Repair Codes dialog box and also to toggle back to the unit identifiers from the repair codes.

Now you can add up to five custom Scheduler Event Status codes.
- To add Custom Event Status codes, click Setup and choose Lists.
- Double click Scheduled Event Status in the list on the left, and add your custom statuses to the list on the right.
- Custom event status codes are not mutually exclusive, and do not create color differentiation on the scheduler board. They appear as checkboxes alongside the built-in status selectors in the Scheduler Event window, and when checked, also appear in text that appears when you hover over an event.

You now have a drop down selection of several identifier documents that can be viewed from the Scheduler Event window.
- In the Welcome to FrontLine window, click Scheduler to open the scheduler.
- Double click on an event to open it. In the top toolbar, click the I.Doc icon to access identifiers related to the event.
- These identifiers are available if information has been identified in the event. For example, if the event has a customer assigned to it, the Customer Document is available. If a unit has been identified by serial number for repair on the event, the Unit Document is available. If the event has been assigned to an order, the Order Document is available.

You may now select the location of orders created from quotes.
NOTE: When workstation location is chosen, if the workstation location and quote location do not match on rentals, the quote location will be used to preserve rental locations.
- Click Setup and choose Company & Stations.
- In Company Settings, click Quote Options in the name column. Click the ellipses to access the quote options dialog box.
- You now have a selection called Location of orders created from quotes. Select workstation location or quote location.
- Orders created from quotes will now be created automatically at the quote location or workstation location, depending on your selection.
NOTE: When workstation location is chosen, if the workstation location and quote location do not match on rentals, the quote location will be used to preserve rental locations.

There is a new Agent field under System Users to associate an agent with a user. When a user is assigned an agent, and that agent is assigned to an order, the order is considered this user's order for security purposes. Additionally, when this user assigns a customer or vendor with no associated agent to an order, the order is assigned this user's agent.
- Log in as the system administrator.
- Click Setup and choose Security. The System Users window opens.
- Set the agent value by typing agent name or initials into the Agent field for each user.
FrontLine 6.3.025 - September 26, 2012

You can now look up events in the FrontLine Scheduler.
- In the Welcome to FrontLine window, click Scheduler to open the FrontLine Scheduler.
- Right click in the grid and choose Lookup Event or key F3 to access the Scheduler Event Lookup.
- Use the Search By and Filter By selections and fields to find the event. Use the selections on the right to search open events, completed events, or all events.
- When you select the event, the scheduler moves to the day of the selected event, and the event selected flashes red.
FrontLine 6.3.024 - September 24, 2012

When using the Inquiry tool Equipment Search, exports now contain a Note field that contains the first 255 characters of the note.
FrontLine 6.3.023 - September 21, 2012

Now you can open the FrontLine Scheduler from any open order.
- In the customer order window, open a customer order.
- Click the drop down arrow in the Scheduled field and choose Open Scheduler.
- The scheduler opens.

When using the Unit Tracker, you can now search for identifiers of prior units that have been replaced during depot repair or other similar events.
- In the Welcome to FrontLine window, point to Inquiry and click Unit Tracker.
- Click Lookup to open the Identify Unit window, and click Historic to include historic units such as those replaced by the depot.
FrontLine 6.3.022 - September 19, 2012

When card tender account numbers are not required by company setting, you can now enter only the last four digits preceeded by an x. For example, you can enter x1827. If no card type is entered, FrontLine defaults to VISA.

The FrontLine Scheduler can now be used alongside Order processing. Open the scheduler in this mode from the Line Item Details dialog box.
- Add an item to an order that is flagged as scheduled in the item file.
- Right click on the line item and choose Details, or click Details in the bottom toolbar.
- The Line Item Details window opens.
- Click the ellipses next to the Scheduled field, and choose Scheduler Day. The FrontLine Scheduler opens.
- Now you can work in both the orders window and the scheduler.
FrontLine 6.3.021 - September 14, 2012
International phone numbers can now be entered in FrontLine. When entering international numbers, begin with a plus sign (+) to indicate a country code. These are saved with hyphens and spaces intact, and not formatted further during output. Beware that to find such numbers in a lookup you must include any plus signs, spaces, and hyphens in the search text.

You may now select the title text of the events rectangles on the scheduler board.
- Point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- Under Company Settings, find Scheduler in the name column and click the ellipses in the value column.
- There is a Scheduler Board Event Caption Text option with options for Event Subject vs Entity Name vs Event Time. Select the event you would like to see in the title text on the Scheduler board.
FrontLine 6.3.020 - September 10, 2012
When an item's primary identifier (such as the serial number) is not required at receiving, FrontLine now receives it as a non-identified item. This means you only have to input quantity at receiving, even if the primary identifier is unique.

You now have the option to create package member groups. These can serve two purposes. The group ID is labeled in package maintenance and in the model option selector to improve group recognition by users. Also, the catalog key of the entry can be used by the catalog import process to assign group numbers designated in this list.
- To create this optional new list, Package Member Groups, Point to Setup and click Lists.
- In the right column, double-click Package Member Groups.
- Fields for a Group ID, Catalog Key, and Display Name are available.
- Once the list is entered, click Save.

FrontLine will no longer warn the user about no cash drawer assignment at their location unless a notify option is turned on.
- To turn on the notification, point to Setups and click Company & Stations.
- Under Company Settings, find Notify Options in the name column, and click the ellipses in the value column.
- Click the checkbox for Notify user when they have no cash drawer assigned.

Now you can schedule recurring events in the FrontLine Scheduler.
- Click Scheduler to open the FrontLine Scheduler.
- Right-click on the scheduler board and choose Add Event. The Scheduler Event window opens.
- Set a Start date for the first occurrence of the event.
- In the Recurs field, choose the repeat interval.
- When an option for recurrence is selected, a field for the recurring period appears. Select Hour, Day, Week, Month, or Year.
- Use the Until field to set an optional expiration date for the recurring sequence.
FrontLine 6.3.019 - September 4, 2012
Closed (Retired) Agents are no longer shown on the scheduler board. Events where they were the primary participant appear as unassigned.

Events on the scheduler board are now color coded by event status. The colors can be customized under Company Settings. The predefined colors are: Open in light blue, In Process in white, On Hold in pink, Review in light yellow, Completed in light green
- To adjust colors of events, point to Setup and click Company & Stations.
- Under Company Settings, find Scheduler in the name column and click the ellipses in the value column.
- Scheduler Board Event Status Colors appear at the bottom of the Scheduler Options dialog box.
- Click on an event status color to select a new color for that event status.