2021 Updates
December 2021
FrontLine 6.7.043- December 16, 2021

There is a new flag in Setup/Identifiers. Select the !Warr flag to indicate that the identifier is required on line items that are covered by a warranty or service contract.
When selecting a job for an order, the jobs selection list is now filtered. In the Customer Order window, click the drop down arrow for Job ID, and the list shows jobs specific to the customer on the order and jobs not assigned to any customer.
November 2021
FrontLine 6.7.042- November 16, 2021
When selecting a job for an order, the jobs selection list in the order window now only shows jobs specific to the customer on the order.
FrontLine 6.7.041- November 15, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
October 2021
FrontLine 6.7.040- October 30, 2021

You can now create statements that group by periodic invoice. In Receivables Statements, select the sticky option Group by Periodic Invoice to summarize statements by periodic invoice. The resulting statement will sum all receivables for each periodic invoice and report it as one line.

There is a new Search By selection in Order Lookup. Select Pending Web Orders to view pending orders imported from the Shopify integration.

You can now add line items to Web Orders at zero price. You will see a confirmation when adding these lines to Web Orders, and these lines can also be voided. To do this, give security under the access profile of the user in class Customer Orders. For the new context Add Items to Web Orders, give ADD permits.
FrontLine 6.7.039- October 19, 2021

There is a new feature to compare security access profiles. In Setup/Security, select Access Profiles. Click Compare in the top toolbar and choose Report All Contexts or Report Differences. FrontLine creates a report showing all security contexts for each access profile, or showing differences between access profiles.
FrontLine 6.7.038- October 8, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
September 2021
FrontLine 6.7.037- September 29, 2021
FrontLine now rechecks for any retired addresses assigned to the order before checking out or completing an order. If any are found the user is notified and the process stops.
FrontLine 6.7.036- September 17, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
FrontLine 6.7.035- September 2, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
July 2021
FrontLine 6.7.034- July 1, 2021

There is a new option in the Company Setting for the AvaTax Configuration. Select Exclude All Purchasing to exclude from AvaTax all transactions that take place in the Purchasing window. This includes Work Orders and Purchase Orders as well as the other transactions that are always excluded, Transfers, Adjustments, and Vendor Return Authorizations.
June 2021
FrontLine 6.7.033- June 21, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates for FrontLine and the Avatax integration.
FrontLine 6.7.032- June 3, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
April 2021
FrontLine 6.7.031- April 23, 2021

Scheduler events now have a Notification field that is not yet active. This field is for upcoming development with Mobile Connect, to indicate the number of minutes prior to the event that the participants should be notified by the Mobile Connect App. To set no notification, enter NONE in the notification field.

Enter up a default notification time (in minutes) in the Company Setting, Scheduler Notification. If no default is set, and no value entered on the event, FrontLine defaults to 15 minutes.
March 2021
FrontLine 6.7.030- March 2, 2021

There is now an Equivalents tab in Items maintenance. Click Add Equivalent to look up and add equivalent stock items. Equivalents may be used to cross reference equivalent equipment for rental or sales. When you add equivalents to a stock number, the same equivalents appear on the equivalents lists for all stock numbers you add. FrontLine raises a notice against adding equivalent items that mismatch. A mismatch is when the item you choose has different item type flags than the current item for Inventory vs Service vs Charge, Recurring Bills, or Set Eligible.

The rental Reservation window offers Equivalents when you start a reservation from a blank line item. After choosing a stock number, click Equivalents to see a list of equivalent equipment. Select an equivalent with either a double-click, or select and press the Enter key.
February 2021
FrontLine 6.7.029- February 25, 2021

You can now open Rental Reservations before creating a line item.
Short Term rentals is now streamlined with a keystroke shortcut. Use Ctrl+' on a blank customer order to flag it as a short term rental and assign the workstation's rental location. Use Ctrl+' again to open the reservations window.
- Start a transaction by entering a customer and selecting a rental location.
- On a new line item, right-click and select Reservations. The Reservations window opens.
- Type the stock number of the item to be reserved in the Reservation window, or type a partial stock number and press the Enter key to open items lookup.
- Select the item and enter a quantity to check availability. If quantities are not available, change the stock number in the Reservation window to see availability of other items.
- Once you select an item, right-click in the projected quantities lines to select a begin and end date, and click Save to add it to the order.
- When a reserved line item is added to a blank order with a blank order Scheduled date, FrontLine sets the order Scheduled date to the reservation begin date of the line item.
Short Term rentals is now streamlined with a keystroke shortcut. Use Ctrl+' on a blank customer order to flag it as a short term rental and assign the workstation's rental location. Use Ctrl+' again to open the reservations window.
FrontLine 6.7.028- February 24, 2021

There are some new features in short term rentals to streamline order entry and rental returns.
When creating a new short term rental, line item Periods now defaults to the number of days between the short term rental order Scheduled (Start) and Fulfilled (End) dates. Changing the order Start or End dates after adding rental lines will not change existing line item periods, but periods that differ from the order period are highlighted.
When creating a new short term rental, line item Periods now defaults to the number of days between the short term rental order Scheduled (Start) and Fulfilled (End) dates. Changing the order Start or End dates after adding rental lines will not change existing line item periods, but periods that differ from the order period are highlighted.
When you return rental items on an open short rental order that has been invoiced:
- You will not see the "Only Non-Qualifying Matches Found" question.
- If a Scan Code matches the identifier of a unit that was rented on the order, then Frontline accepts it without showing the Scan Match window to allow quick returns.
- When you increase the quantity on a rental return line, the Line Item Details opens with your cursor in the Scan Code field. The text is highlighted for quick overwrite by your barcode scanner to allow a quickscan of returns.
FrontLine 6.7.027- February 18, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
FrontLine 6.7.026- February 11, 2021
This release contains maintenance updates.
January 2021
FrontLine 6.7.025- January 26, 2021

The Substitute field in Items maintenance now displays the stock number rather than the item ID.

When adding equipment to a service contract, the Show other customer equipment option now excludes equipment that is Out of Service.

Costing values shown in the Invoice/Check-In/Out window are now displayed in parenthesis to indicate negative numbers for return and adjust-out transactions.
The Receive function is no longer available for transfer line items. To pick inventory to transfer, click Details in the bottom toolbar to open the Line Details window. Then click Lookup to pick the inventory for the transfer order.
FrontLine 6.7.024- January 5, 2021

You can now quickly return multiple rented units on a single rental return line.
- After entering a return line, the cursor moves to the quantity field.
- If you increase the quantity for an item that has unique identifiers, the Line Item Details window opens.
- Your cursor rests in the ScanCode field in Line Item Details. Quickly return multiple rented units by scanning them.

There is a new selection in User Options. Select User Agent Priority on New Lines so new order lines created by the user default to the user’s agent instead of the customer's agent or the order agent.