2019 Updates
December 2019
FrontLine 6.7.006- December 11, 2019

More function has been added to the access permits in the Setup class.
- Users with access to Security can now open System Users to change a user’s Real Name, Label Set, Agent, and Email.
- Users with security for Access Profiles can make changes to access profiles.
- Users with security for Identifiers can now create and edit identifiers.
A log has been added to keep track of user sign-in.
November 2019
FrontLine 6.7.005- November 21, 2019
This release contains maintenance updates.
FrontLine 6.7.004- November 6, 2019

There is a new Company Setting in Lookup Options. Select Include agent name in Agent values to see the agent name in both the search results and Search By list in lookups.
FrontLine 6.7.003- November 1, 2019
This release contains maintenance updates.
October 2019
FrontLine 6.7.002- October 11, 2019

Some changes have been made for ease of use in Scheduler:
- In Scheduler, the task list of To Be Scheduled events now excludes events marked “Closed”. This list will no longer display events that are connected to an invoiced order.
- The Scheduler Event Lookup now includes two new Search By selections. Search by Agent to select an agent’s initials from the drop-down selections. Search Events not linked to Orders to view only events that are not connected to a transaction.

- When attaching an event to an order, the order note subject now appears in the selection list.

The recall list in the Order window has moved to the top toolbar. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Orders button to reveal the list of recently opened orders. This list now includes the customer name, order status, and one of the following symbols to help identify the correct order.
- Rental order- a yellow RENT sign
- Return order- a curved red arrow
- Payment order- a check and coins
- Service order- a red cross
- Customer Order- a stack of papers
- Purchase Order- a single paper

You can now open the Purchase Order window from within the Customer Order window. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Orders button in the top toolbar, and select Go To Purchasing at the bottom of the recall list. The Purchase Order window opens, and you can work in both windows side by side. When you close the Customer Order window, the Purchase Order window will also close. Note: the Auto Generate Purchases window does not include demands from Customer Orders that are open in Edit mode.

Additional changes have been made to the AvaTax integration:
- AvaTax text has been revised to display “Recalculate Taxes” and a green bar when no changes have been made to the order since taxes were calculated.
- If an On Account or Card tender is 1 cent off from the needed amount when invoicing, FrontLine will now adjust the tender by 1 cent. This accommodates AvaTax invoice taxes on partial invoices that do not add up to the total order taxes estimated by AvaTax due to rounding differences.

Changes have been made to the Payeezy integration:
- Payeezy card refunds now attempt a VOID transaction before a REFUND transaction. To use this feature, a return of the original order should be created.
- When you create a partial return of an order that was tendered with a credit card, you can select the card tender for the return payment. Right-click on the payment line, hover on Card Refunds, and select the card tender. If the return is greater than the original tender, the tagged return will be rejected by Payeezy. If this occurs, manually enter a credit card or other tender for the return.
September 2019
FrontLine 6.7.001- September 13, 2019
Security has been enhanced for new Mobile Connect and Customer Portal features including access to logs and Customer Portal user management.
This release also contains maintenance updates.
FrontLine 6.7.000 - September 3, 2019

When you select the User Option “User Agent priority on new orders”, when a customer is entered on a blank order, the user’s agent is assigned as the order agent. If the user has no agent, the customer’s agent is assigned to the order. Once an order has line items, if the customer is changed on the order, the order agent is not updated.
If “User Agent priority on new orders” is not selected, when a customer is entered or changed on the order, the order agent is changed to match the customer's agent.
If “User Agent priority on new orders” is not selected, when a customer is entered or changed on the order, the order agent is changed to match the customer's agent.

There is a new Company Setting called Cardholder Requirements. Click the ellipses in the Value field to select which cardholder information fields are required to process credit card transactions. The default requirements are CVV and Postal Code. (For Payeezy, FrontLine will require CVV and Cardholder Name even if they are turned off in the company setting.)

The QuickFind window that opens when you select "Find" in a context menu now provides options “Begins with” and “Contains text” in some cases. Select “Begins with” and FrontLine will search for your typed text at the beginning of values. If you select “Contains text”, FrontLine will look for a match to your typed text within values. For example, when you type 551, “Begins with” would find 5512232, and “Contains text” would find 28155129.

You can now open the Receivables window directly from the customer order. Click the arrow in the Customer Number header to access the drop-down menu. Select Receivables to open receivables for the customer. You must have security to access receivables for this selection to appear.
Additional changes have been made to AvaTax processing to reduce the number of tax requests:
- You can now print forms without submitting an AvaTax update if the order is Exempt and the current tax total is zero.
- When taxes are out-of-date, the Recalculate Taxes banner appears grey.
- When taxes are up-to-date, the Recalculate Taxes banner appears green.

When creating package items manually, you can now copy a package group. In the Package window, select a line and click Copy Group in the toolbar.
Lockbox Import has been added to the Third Party selections in the Welcome window. This button launches a program to import lockbox files of a specific format. For file format requirements, contact [email protected].
June 2019
FrontLine 6.6.064- June 25, 2019
Some changes have been made to AvaTax processing to reduce the number of tax requests.
- Order taxes are no longer calculated when an order is opened.
- Order taxes are paused while making changes to orders.
- A red banner above the line items and a red shading in the Taxes field indicate when taxes on the order are out of date.
To request taxes from Avatax, click Recalculate Taxes in the red banner.
Order taxes are submitted to AvaTax automatically under the following conditions:
Invoice taxes are requested for every invoice, as before.
Order taxes are submitted to AvaTax automatically under the following conditions:
- When you add a tender using a hypen or minus sign in the amount field to indicate a tender for the order balance total.
- When you enter or change a cash tender.
- When you click Confirm to invoice the order.
- When you click Print to print an open order.
- When you click the total header to open the Order Totals window.
Invoice taxes are requested for every invoice, as before.
FrontLine 6.6.063- June 10, 2019

When Return Next Scan is used in Fast POS mode, Item Action opens so you can choose Return, Repair, or Exchange. This allows a point of sale workstation to create repair transactions.
May 2019
FrontLine 6.6.062- May 22, 2019
The Receive Date and Time Override in the Receive window has been removed. To override the receiving date, change the Created date in the Check-In window. This date is the date used for both Inventory Transactions and Inventory Valuation.
FrontLine now records and shows the user who created or changed an Export to MOL and a Tax Report.

FrontLine now imports signatures collected by Mobile Connect as line item signatures. If a line item that was imported with a signature is voided, then the line item signature is deleted.
FrontLine imports a signature collected on the Event to the line item linked to the scheduler event.
FrontLine imports a signature collected on the Event to the line item linked to the scheduler event.
April 2019
FrontLine 6.6.061- April 24, 2019
FrontLine now displays more of the Payeezy response to help users determine why a transaction was declined.
The Payeezy Transaction ID now displays in the Verify Code column of collected card payment lines on an order. For refund transactions, “RETURN” is recorded instead of a new Transaction ID.
The Payeezy Transaction Tag displays after the 4-digit card number fragment in the Account Number column.
Technician licenses have been upgraded to include new features.
Now technicians:
Now technicians:
- can open a blank customer order window from the scheduler board
- can create service orders and service quotes directly, without a scheduler event
- can open existing sales and service orders to modify them
FrontLine 6.6.060- April 10, 2019

The Item Cost field in Resource Cost has been renamed Item Unit Cost, for clarification.

When a customer order is returned, and you recreate it with the Redo Order function, FrontLine now relinks the special order lines to the original POs. If this new order is voided, the special order links will be lost.

You can now lock budgets on Jobs. Select the checkbox for Budget Locked to stop FrontLine from automatically adding to budgets when new lines or orders are added to the job.

- When budgets are locked, any blank Budget Quantities in Resource Costs for line items that are part of this job will be set to the current line quantity, or zero if the line is voided.
Changes to line item quantities will not change the job budget quantity unless a user changes the Budget Quantity in Resource Costs. - The Budget Quantity in Resource Costs is set to zero (0) for line items added to customer orders that are part of this job.

- Assigning a customer order or line item to a Job with Budget Locked raises a confirmation before locking the budget quantities of the order or line item.

- Once a budget is locked, all the orders attached to this job display the Job Budget is locked banner in the Job section at the top of the order.
The default column arrangement of Job Details in the Jobs window has been changed for ease of use. To change your custom arrangement to the new default, contact [email protected].

The System Users administration window now provides sorting by column. Click the column title to sort. There is also a filter at the top right of the window that filters entries in the User Name, Real Name, and Return Email fields.
February 2019
FrontLine 6.6.059- February 21, 2019

When you use Redo as Quote, Order IDocs and Customer PO number are now cleared on the new quote.

Customer Orders now assigned an estimated cost to line items. This Budget Cost, or B.Cost, is the best estimate of the cost at that time.
- This B.Cost appears as the Default Budget Unit Cost in Resource Costs, and is used for budgets in Jobs. You can override B.Cost by entering a budget Unit Cost in the Resource Costs dialog box. This field is only available when the order is assigned to a job.
- B.Cost is based on the inventory costing method on the item file, unless it is unit actual, in which case it uses Average Cost. If the inventory costing method is not available, it defaults to Standard Cost.
- When an order is created from a quote, the new order copies B.Costs from the quote instead of creating Budget Unit Cost values in Resource Costs.
- Budget quantities default to the line quantity.
- When making changes to line quantities that are not part of the budget, be sure to enter a quantity in the Job Budget Quantity field.
- When adding change order lines to a transaction that you do not want included in budgets, enter a zero in the Quantity field in Job Budgets.
The Job Details display has been enhanced to show all orders and returns associated with the job.
- Returned orders are assigned to the job automatically, and all job and phase designations copy to the return.
- Return lines appear in red writing in the Job dashboard, and have a return arrow symbol in the Line column.
- If you do not want to see a transaction in the Jobs dashboard, clear the Job field on the order to remove it from the display.
- Budgets from the original transaction also copy to the return order, assuming a budget quantity equal to the quantity returned. These budgets can be manually adjusted before completing the return.
- If you would like to add job details to returns on old jobs, contact [email protected].
In the Receivables window, the status bar at the bottom of the window now displays the receivables Comment of the selected row.
Closed receivables now include Paid Transactions. These appear with a grey shading, and the order type Paid Transaction. Tender types received appear in the comment of the row. To see tender details, open the order and click Payments. If you cancel a tender, the Paid Transaction line will reflect the total of paid tenders remaining on the order. If canceled tenders and amount net to zero, the Paid Transaction line is replaced by a Receivable Invoice line.
January 2019
FrontLine 6.6.058- January 18, 2019

Jobs reports can now be separated into their own report group.

In Setup/Lists, choose Report Group. Add the job category using 00001000 as the ID, J_ as the prefix, and Jobs and the group name. All job reports should be renamed with J_ as the name prefix.
You can now collect credit card tokens for later payments when using the Payeezy integration.
To record a token for paying future orders and invoices:
To record a token for paying future orders and invoices:

1. In Customers maintenance, click the ellipse next to the Credit Limit field to reveal the Credit Card field. Enter the credit card number and press Enter to save this card for payment of future transactions.

2. The Cardholder Information window opens to prompt for expiration date, cardholder name, CVV, zipcode, etc. Click Proceed to get a token.

3. Once a token is created, it is saved in FrontLine in place of the card number. The token itself is not a usable card number. The last 4 digits of the card and expiration date are saved on file for your reference. This field appears yellow if the expiration is within a month, and pink if less than one month away.
To pay using the card token on file:

1. In the Order window, click Payment in the top toolbar. In the Account Number field, enter a hyphen and press Enter. This will bring in the token card information.

2. The token card type, last 4 card digits, and expiration appear in the payment fields.

3. Click Confirm to complete payment verification. When processed, the card on file is charged.
To collect a token for a recurring bill payment:
1. In an open customer order, enter the customer on the order. Click ESets in the top toolbar, and the Contracts window opens. Select the tab for the bill you would like to pay by card, and enter a credit card number in the Credit Card field.

2. The Cardholder Information window opens to collect the expiration date, CVV, name, and zipcode. Fill in the information and click Proceed.
3. Once tokenized, the credit card field stores the last 4 digits of the card and the expiration date. When you run recurring billing, the bill created from that ESet will use that credit card token to process the payment during Step #3 of bill creation.